National Strategic Plan on Green Growth 2013-2030 Part-3

National Strategic Plan on Green Growth 2013-2030 Part-3

1.1 Strategic Direction and Strategy   

Preparation and implementation of the National Strategic Plan to respond to green growth principles require active participation of the public sector, the private sector, civil society, and public towards effective green growth with balance among economy, environment, society and culture. The Royal Government of Cambodia adheres to a Win-Win green approach among economy, environment, society, and culture, determining green growth strategies to maintain political and macroeconomic stability with sustainability, transparency, accountability, equity, justice and green opportunities.

The National Strategic Plan on Green Growth 2013-2030 needs to improve green growth by focusing on a strategic direction, including:
1.       Green Investment and Green Jobs Creation
2.       Green Economy Management in balance with Environment
3.       Blue Economy Development with Sustainability
4.       Green Environment and Natural Resources Management
5.       Human Resources Development and Green Education
6.       Effective Green technology Management
7.       Promotion of a Green Social Safety System
8.       Uphold and Protection of Green Cultural Heritage and National Identity
9.       Good Governance on Green Growth

1.    Green Investment and Green Jobs Creation  

The Royal Government of Cambodia provides a green jobs opportunity through development and use of green technology, including enhancement of green investment. Green investment refers to both technical and financial investments in all sectors to ensure environmental impact reduction, and natural resources, alike, and in turn, it helps improve quality of environment, ecosystem preservation, biodiversity conservation, reduction of energy and natural resource use, and reduction of carbon emission and environmental pollution. Green Jobs include green agriculture, green industry, green trade, green infrastructure and transports, green tourism, green energy, green construction and building, green design, green workplace, green market, green product advertisement, green product sale, and green service as well as green finance procurement.

All green products, green services and green finance markets require encouragement of the private sector investment on green agriculture, green industry, green infrastructure, green building and construction, green tourism, green trade, green baking system, and finance including green tax and green technology. 

Green agriculture encourages all at the private sectors and framers to use organic natural fertilizers, reduction of agriculture pesticides, and chemical substances, and systematic crop intensification and promote raising further awareness about green technology for agriculture.

Green industry encourages use of renewable energy, energy –saving and efficiency, and effective use of raw resources, including production of industrial products with high quality.

Green trade encourages supply and purchase of green products and green product demonstration/display, relevant investment, and transferring and changing technologies for green production and green markets.

Green infrastructure and green transports, especially all green physical infrastructures are encouraged to reduce environment impacts and ensure reduction of adverse impact on environment from infrastructure.

Green transports are encouraged not to pollute environment.

Green tourism refers to successful practices of ‘a clean city, clean resort, and good service principle.’

Green building and construction are encouraged to be based on renewable energy, energy saving and energy efficiency, water saving, and environmental beauty.

Green energy is encouraged to use green technology that provides energy efficiency, especially renewable energy.

Green telecommunication is encouraged to be based on a technological system, which pose no harm to public health and environment.   

National Strategic Plan on Green Growth 2013-2030 Part-2

National Strategic Plan on Green Growth 2013-2030 Part-2

1.    Vision  

The National Strategic Plan (NSP) is envisaged to develop sustainable economy, together with environmental, social and cultural sustainability for poverty alleviation.

2.    Mission

The National Strategic Plan has a mission to promote, enhance and ensure effective implementation of green growth through mainstreaming green process and progress.

3.    Goal and Objectives
3.1 Goal
The National Strategic Plan aims at green growth, ensuring politic stability and macroeconomic stability to reach a status of a developed country.

3.2 Objectives
The National Strategic Plan is to promote a national economy with growth stability, reduction and prevention of environmental pollution, safe ecosystem, poverty reduction, and promotion of public health service, educational quality, natural resources management, and sustainable land use  and water resources management to increase energy efficiency, ensuring food safety and glorify the national culture.

4.    Strategic Framework

The National Strategic Plan provides orientation to relevant ministries/institutions, authorities at sub-national levels, the private sectors, civil society and stakeholders for efficiency of green growth with balance among economy, environment, society and culture, aiming at poverty eradication nationwide. This key success strategy relies on duty fulfillment of relevant institutions with support, participation and close cooperation from all concerned parties, including the public, the private sectors, civil society and general public.

4.1 Strategic Analysis
Climate Change issue refers to a global warming, increases in temperature, heat wave, drought, sea level rise, increase in salinity, shortage of fresh water, icy melting flood, arid soil, soil degradation, worn-out of soil fertilizer, and human activities and natural disasters posing major concerns and challenges, such as insecurity of food, energy, economic and financial, social instability and o loss of ecological balance for both developed and developing counties, as well as the whole world. For both key issues if in case of no appropriately common solution applied, the Planet Earth cannot support lives of existing human beings, animals and plants, especially an increase in the world population, which is totally about more than 7000 million now, and will increase to about 8000 million in 2050.

The analysis shows that adverse impact from excessive potential use of natural resources, due to the growing population, which increase the highest demands for these resources. Industrial growth also exerts strong pressure on environment that cause imbalance between economic growth, and natural resources conservation, especially biodiversity, forest, fishery, water resource, mines, and land. If this issue cannot be solved, there will be more environmental problems, such as water pollution, arid and degraded soil productivity, ozone layer destruction, extinction of species, plant damage, storms, flood, drought, and extreme climate conditions, which widens and social gap, thereby posing threats to the entire human race and any development of any country in the world.

Solutions to these problems require good cooperation between the developed countries and developing countries on sharing, protection, conservation of scarcities, and natural resources with one another in order to fulfill the current needs and leave them for the next generation to come.

We act together to make a sustainable development concept come true in terms of development for all and for the next generations in which green growth is a concrete way, based  on four pillars, namely economy, environment, society and culture to achieve sustainable development goal, especially creating harmonization amongst the four pillars, thus bringing about socioeconomic growth, quality of life, health prosperous livelihoods of the people, and good green environment moving towards Green Civilization.

In order to contribute to the protections and preservation of the planet Earth with sustainability, the Kingdom of Cambodia established the 2010 National Green Growth Roadmap for sustainable environment, creation of social fraternity; economic development and enhancement of national identify value. More than this, the country also established a national green growth mechanism, which is National Council on Green Growth for setting up a strategic direction of sustainable development.

National Strategic Plan on Green Growth 2013-2030 Part-1

1.    Introduction

The Kingdom of Cambodia adopted and has been implementing Law on Allowing the Kingdom of Cambodia a membership to an Agreement on the establishment of the Global Green Growth institute (GGGI), Royal Decree on the Preparation and Functioning of National Council on Green Growth (MGGG) and Sub-decree in the Preparation and Functioning of General Secretariat for Green Growth (GSGG) of National Council on Green Growth (NCGG).

This NCGG becomes at fundamental mechanism in contribution to the implementation of the Global Green Economy Principles focusing on environment protection, economic development and poverty reduction approved by the United Nation in Rio+20 Conferences in Brazil in June 2012. Today, Cambodia takes the lead and is a role model in terms of green growth in the ASEAN countries, Asia –Pacific countries and member countries of the GGGI.

In a global framework based on the 1992 Rio Earth Summit in Brazil, the sustainable development principles were set out; the Rio+10 Earth Summit in 2002 in South Africa provided the sustainable development action plan and the Rio+20 Earth Summit in 2012 in Brazil established a new principle focusing on green growth with attention to the cored environmental protection for development and poverty eradication. At the Rio+20 Earth Summit in 2013, the Kingdom of Cambodia signed the Agreement on the Establishment of a Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) converted into an international organization, along with other 16 signatory member countries and nowadays there are 18 member countries and this organization is a mechanism for implementing a decision on “The Future We Want” of the United Nations.

Green Growth principles focus on four pillars, namely economy, environment, society, and culture to promote green growth, public health, quality of environment, people’s livelihoods, and uphold of a national cultural identify. In order to implement the principle, the NCGG, with the general secretariat as a direct assisting institution, prepares legal formalities, policies, strategic plan, action plan, and programs on green growth as a win-win approach for sustainable economic growth moving towards a developed country in the future.

At this stage, the RGC has prepared the National Strategic Plan on Green Growth 2012-2030 to boots Cambodia economy towards a green economy focusing on efficient use of natural resources, environmental sustainability, green jobs, green technology, and economic reform. Placing more consideration into green incentives, such as green tax, green finance, more importantly green credit, green microfinance, and green investment, based on the success of the RGC’s Win-Win policy and the most successful experience on sustainable socio-economic development in the implementation of the Rectangular Strategy, all of which mainly contributes to global green economy at the same time of maintain environmental quality, enhancement of public health, and promoting a social safety system toward building a low carbon emission society.  

National Policy on Green Growth 2013-2030 Glossary Part-2

National Policy on Green Growth 2013-2030 Glossary Part-2

Green Tax refers to environment pollution tax, liquid and solid waste releases tax and natural resources use tax, all of which arise from developmental activity polluting and causing danger to environment, along with business activity and natural resources use. The tax imposition is to achieve the development goals with environmental sustainability.

Green Investment refers to project or investment activities in green growth, focusing on green technology, economy and finance, green environment and natural resources, water resources and sanitation, food security and food safety, sustainable land use, telecommunication and transport, industry and energy and green tourism.

Blue Economy refers to economic activities from the development of coastline zone, following a green growth principle.

Green Economy refers to development of an economy with efficiency in using natural resources, environmental sustainability, green jobs, green technology and economic reforms with further consideration into green encouragement, including green tax, green finance, especially green credit and micro-finance, and so on.

Green Finance refers to financial instruments, such as check, share, bond, corporation bond, Treasury bill, assent, property, credit and insurance as well as financial market which enhances purchase and sale of green products and green service to encourage investment in green agriculture, green industry, green business, green infrastructure and transport, green tourism, green energy, green construction and building, green telecommunication, green development and research, green technique and skill, green deign, green workplace, green market, advertisement of green products, sale of green products and services as well as green finance procurement.  

Green Growth refers to sustainable economy development that will cause no damage to environment, which is based on the least use of natural resource with high yields, energy efficiency, low waste emission, clean development, preservation of green nature and natural heritage and livelihood improvement to achieve balance of economy development with sustainable sustainability that focus on great interest of whole society.

Sustainable Development refer to development of economy having no damage to environment, based on the minimum use of natural resources with high output, energy efficiency, minimum waste release, clean development, preservation of green nature and natural heritages as well as enhancement of people’s quality of life in order to achieve balance of economic development with environment sustainability, begin the welfare of the entire society.  
Green Industry refers to clean production that use green technologies, together with efficient use of energy and reduction in natural resources use in production chain of small medium large enterprises in order to ensure sustainability of natural resources, following a sustainable production and consumption principle. 

National Policy on Green Growth 2013-2030 Glossary Part-1

National Policy on Green Growth 2013-2030 Glossary Part-1

Green agriculture refers to agriculture production, based on techniques and technologies with provide no damage to environment and do not affect human and animal lives by using only the organic substance (non-chemicals), such as organic fertilizers, organic crop varieties, organic morphological resources (water, soil, air geology, nature) for agriculture production and productivity. Green Agriculture helps boost green economy, agro-industry, and green-tourism (natural tourism or ecotourism)

Green Telecommunication and Transport refers to infrastructure, transportation means by land, water, air, communication and electricity power channel that enhance green environment, such as railways, buses carrying passengers, watercourses, optic cables, satellite and electricity wires.

Green Growth Principle  refers to development having green features and nature to ensure accesses to development, such as green environment jobs and natural resources, water resources jobs, and sanitation, food security, sustainable land use, economy and investment jobs, telecommunication and transport jobs, industry and energy job, and green tourism jobs.

Green Energy refers to energy efficiency, efficiency, especially production and use of renewable energy, such as wind energy, solar energy, wave energy, bio gas, biomass, bio fuel, and hydro power.

Green Flag refers to green flags provided by the relevant ministries and institutions to encourage entrepreneurs and consumers having protected environment and secured ecological safety, as well as ensuring economic growth and quality of life for people.

Green Tourism refers to tourism development and tourists without any damage to the sustainable green environment and natural resources by keeping natural beauty, ever green natural view and ecosystem, with serious consideration about socioeconomic development and upholding cultural identity through harmonization between development and conservation for the efficiency in the scarce resources use, necessarily to be preserved for the next generation to have natural settings for their future. 

Green Technology refers to techniques system and technology that cause no damage to environment, i.e. greenhouse gas emission reduction technology, environment toxic pollutants reduction technology, efficient energy use technology, clean development technology for recycling and reusing the used resources.

Green Environment refers to good and clean environment without pollutants through clean development, non-polluting environment, maintaining quality of water, quality of land and air and ecosystem safety, by ensuring food safety, managing national resources, forestry, water resources sustainable and sustainable land use, and enhancing public health, all of which are the main factors to boost green economy to be balanced with environment, society and culture.

Sustainable Production and Consumption refers to efficient use of natural resources to fulfill production and consumption needs in the socioeconomic sector, targeting at maintaining natural resources sustainability, ecosystem safety, the least waste emission, and toxic pollution reduction, reusing and recycling for the current needs and the next generations.

National Policy on Green Growth 2013-2030 Part-4

National Policy on Green Growth 2013-2030 Part-4

      5.5   Human Resources Development  

     In order to ensure effectiveness of the implementation of national policy on green growth, it is to consider the preparation and implementation of curriculum plans for the short, medium, and long term to gain knowledge and experience in green growth for the next professional generations and to provide knowledge and skill to officers in charge of green growth.

      5.6   Implementation Process

All these strategies shall be put into practice for the short, medium and long terms, being consulted and approved by the NCGG to ensure effectiveness of policy implementation, following the RGC’s vision.

6.    Monitoring and Evaluation

In order to implement this national policy successfully and effectively as expected, and with transparency, the NCGG must have a monitoring and evaluation system and propose to improve the implementation by focusing on indicators as follows:
- Having established and reviewing a legal framework and national institution on green growth and improving the system of identifying management, monitoring and evaluation;
- Determining and analyzing the sources and reason lead to no sustainability among economy, environment, society and culture;
- Improving and strengthening capacity building of relevant officials on green growth;
- Setting up a level of education for the public and the private sectors, society, and general public about green growth and encouraging the public at the local levels to be involved in activities and dissemination programs on green growth and encouraging them to participate;
- Reducing economic developmental activity impact on economy, society, culture.

7.    Conclusion 

The Royal Government of Cambodia places very high value on green growth to ensure balance among economy, environment, society and culture. Implementation of Policy on Green Growth is to reduce poverty, increase economic growth, protect environment, manage natural resource, advance societal progress and safety and uphold national cultural value. 

National Policy on Green Growth 2013-2030 Part-3

National Policy on Green Growth Part-3

4.4 Human Resources Development  

- Promoting good governance in green growth;
- Mainstreaming curriculum on green growth into educational institutions, vocational training schools, and other institutes to increase knowledge in green growth, peoples’ harmonization with natural resources and nurturing love for green nature for the current generation and the next generation;
- Organizing training course for short, medium and long term, related to green growth in the frame of the GGGI and Asian and international community, in order to raise awareness of green growth and effectiveness for green growth principle;   
- Participating in conferences, platforms, workshops, meetings at national and international levels, as well as the United Nations Sustainable Development conferences and those related to green growth;
- Preparing workshops, consultation meeting and discussion related to green growth, in cooperation with relevant ministries/institutions, the GGGI organization, the United Nations and development partners; 
- Preparing and implementing green growth programs to provide and increase green skills and profession for officers, and stakeholders, with helps stimulate the achievement of green growth goals and sustainable development in Cambodia;
- Developing green growth curriculum and rising awareness about it to increase quality and quantity of information available for the relevant stakeholder;
- Developing educational curriculum and raising awareness for officers-personnel, dissemination system for green growth to help them to be capable and able in providing and receiving comments on green growth; 
- Mainstreaming a green growth principle, including green environment and natural resources jobs, water resources and sanitation, food security and food safety, as well as sustainable land use, green economy job, green investment jobs, green telecommunication and transport jobs, green industry and energy job and green tourism job, into a National Strategic Development Plan;
- Updating national economic development, based on a green growth principle.

4.5   Sustainable Green Technology Development   

- Exchanging and transferring technology related to green growth, such as green environmental and natural resources jobs, water resources and sanitation, food security and food safety, forestry conservation, fishery and biodiversity conservation, sustainable Land use, green economy development, blue economy development, green investment, telecommunications and transport jobs, green industry and energy jobs and tourism job ;
- Supporting the private sectors that make investment in greenhouse gas emission reduction technology, environmental pollutant reduction technology, effective energy usage technology, clean development technology and recycling and reusing technology of the used resources;
- Encouraging the researchers having invented a new green technology to continue their works.

5.    Action Plan
     5.1 Creating Mechanism 

RGC has established National Council on Green Growth (NCGG) as a direct assistant to the royal Government of Cambodia (RGC) and General Secretariat for Green Growth (GSGG) of the NCGG, as the assistant to the NCGG, with its roles in coordination and consolation with mainstreaming green growth on all developmental areas, in cooperation with national and international organization the private sectors.

      5.2 Creating a Legal Framework

In this national policy implementation, it is to formulate Law on Green Growth, strategic plans, action plan and programs on green growth in line with relevant sectors that identify specific activates and responsibilities of the relevant ministries/institutions and establish a green growth agent team at the local authority, as well as review regulations related to green growth. 
 5.3 Creating a Legal Framework
NCGG and the General Secretariat of the NCGG are a mechanism for the preparation of policy preparation, national strategic plan, programs and actions plans on green growth, as well as for coordinating with national and international organization, and monitoring these policies implementation and all payments for the operations process of green growth funded by the financial sources from national budget and other sources.  

