National Strategic Plan on Green Growth 2013-2030 Part-2

National Strategic Plan on Green Growth 2013-2030 Part-2

1.    Vision  

The National Strategic Plan (NSP) is envisaged to develop sustainable economy, together with environmental, social and cultural sustainability for poverty alleviation.

2.    Mission

The National Strategic Plan has a mission to promote, enhance and ensure effective implementation of green growth through mainstreaming green process and progress.

3.    Goal and Objectives
3.1 Goal
The National Strategic Plan aims at green growth, ensuring politic stability and macroeconomic stability to reach a status of a developed country.

3.2 Objectives
The National Strategic Plan is to promote a national economy with growth stability, reduction and prevention of environmental pollution, safe ecosystem, poverty reduction, and promotion of public health service, educational quality, natural resources management, and sustainable land use  and water resources management to increase energy efficiency, ensuring food safety and glorify the national culture.

4.    Strategic Framework

The National Strategic Plan provides orientation to relevant ministries/institutions, authorities at sub-national levels, the private sectors, civil society and stakeholders for efficiency of green growth with balance among economy, environment, society and culture, aiming at poverty eradication nationwide. This key success strategy relies on duty fulfillment of relevant institutions with support, participation and close cooperation from all concerned parties, including the public, the private sectors, civil society and general public.

4.1 Strategic Analysis
Climate Change issue refers to a global warming, increases in temperature, heat wave, drought, sea level rise, increase in salinity, shortage of fresh water, icy melting flood, arid soil, soil degradation, worn-out of soil fertilizer, and human activities and natural disasters posing major concerns and challenges, such as insecurity of food, energy, economic and financial, social instability and o loss of ecological balance for both developed and developing counties, as well as the whole world. For both key issues if in case of no appropriately common solution applied, the Planet Earth cannot support lives of existing human beings, animals and plants, especially an increase in the world population, which is totally about more than 7000 million now, and will increase to about 8000 million in 2050.

The analysis shows that adverse impact from excessive potential use of natural resources, due to the growing population, which increase the highest demands for these resources. Industrial growth also exerts strong pressure on environment that cause imbalance between economic growth, and natural resources conservation, especially biodiversity, forest, fishery, water resource, mines, and land. If this issue cannot be solved, there will be more environmental problems, such as water pollution, arid and degraded soil productivity, ozone layer destruction, extinction of species, plant damage, storms, flood, drought, and extreme climate conditions, which widens and social gap, thereby posing threats to the entire human race and any development of any country in the world.

Solutions to these problems require good cooperation between the developed countries and developing countries on sharing, protection, conservation of scarcities, and natural resources with one another in order to fulfill the current needs and leave them for the next generation to come.

We act together to make a sustainable development concept come true in terms of development for all and for the next generations in which green growth is a concrete way, based  on four pillars, namely economy, environment, society and culture to achieve sustainable development goal, especially creating harmonization amongst the four pillars, thus bringing about socioeconomic growth, quality of life, health prosperous livelihoods of the people, and good green environment moving towards Green Civilization.

In order to contribute to the protections and preservation of the planet Earth with sustainability, the Kingdom of Cambodia established the 2010 National Green Growth Roadmap for sustainable environment, creation of social fraternity; economic development and enhancement of national identify value. More than this, the country also established a national green growth mechanism, which is National Council on Green Growth for setting up a strategic direction of sustainable development.
