National Policy on Green Growth 2013 - 2030 Part-1

National Policy on Green Growth 2013 - 2030

1.    Introduction

The Kingdom of Cambodia has  a legal framework prepared for green growth implementation, including a national green growth roadmap, Memorandum of Understanding for the cooperation on green growth with the republic of Korea’s Global Green Growth Institute, Royal Decree on the Preparation and Functioning of General Secretariat of National Council on Green Growth (NCGG) and the Law on Allowing the Kingdom of Cambodia a Membership to an Agreement on the Establishment on the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI).
Green Growth is stimulating comprehensive integration of the Kingdom of Cambodia into a regional framework and the world that helps contribute to maintaining political and macroeconomic stability, especially the economic sector, environment, society, and culture progressing simultaneously towards harmonization, sustainability and balance, as well as enhancement of green economic growth, which maintains low carbon emission moving towards a society developed based on low carbon emission serving as a greenhouse reduction measure, climate change adaptation and poverty reduction in line with RGC’s goal to reduce poverty by one percent per year.

More than that, the policy aims at contributing to environment protection, natural resources management, bio diversity and forest conservation, and maintaining quality of water, soil, and air and efficient ecosystem safety, and following the direction of the United Nations on “The Future We Want” that the RGC has been implementing it today in the areas of fishery and forestry sector, economical use of people’s livelihood and the implementation of New Action Old Policy on Land in order to keep natural resources for the next generation while at the same time keeping up with national economic development.

Green growth is to strike balance between economic development and environment, society, and culture to reach sustainable development goals.

In order to attract financing flows, green technology, and forging investors, the RGC issues the National Policy on Green Growth with vision, objectives, and goal and action plan as follows:

2.    Vision

The national policy is envisaged to strike balance of economic development with environment, society, culture, and sustainable use of national resources through integration, matching and adaption, as well as harmonization between a green growth principle and national policy.

3.    Goal and Objectives 
3.1   Goal

The Policy aims at enhancing the well-being and livelihood of all people in harmonization with ecological safety through green growth, based on green economy, blue economy, environment protection, social safety nets system and uphold of national cultural identity.

3.2    Objectives
 Developing an economy in balance with environment, society and culture;
- Create a favorably enabling environment for green growth in equity, balance, fraternity, and quality of socio-economic systems and ecology that uphold national cultural value;
Effective management of Access to water resources management and sanitation, Access to food security and food safety, Access to development, forest conservation, and mixed resources water, and sustainable land use, Access to renewable energy, and energy efficiency, Access to information and knowledge and skill, Access to better social livelihood service means and environment, and Access to finance for creation of small medium enterprise and investment associated with green growth;
Enhancing education and training on green growth;
Strengthening information exchange, knowledge, good experiences, technology and investment    related to green growth;
Stimulating green growth cooperation at a national and subnational level, region and the world.

