National Policy on Green Growth 2013-2030 Part-3

National Policy on Green Growth Part-3

4.4 Human Resources Development  

- Promoting good governance in green growth;
- Mainstreaming curriculum on green growth into educational institutions, vocational training schools, and other institutes to increase knowledge in green growth, peoples’ harmonization with natural resources and nurturing love for green nature for the current generation and the next generation;
- Organizing training course for short, medium and long term, related to green growth in the frame of the GGGI and Asian and international community, in order to raise awareness of green growth and effectiveness for green growth principle;   
- Participating in conferences, platforms, workshops, meetings at national and international levels, as well as the United Nations Sustainable Development conferences and those related to green growth;
- Preparing workshops, consultation meeting and discussion related to green growth, in cooperation with relevant ministries/institutions, the GGGI organization, the United Nations and development partners; 
- Preparing and implementing green growth programs to provide and increase green skills and profession for officers, and stakeholders, with helps stimulate the achievement of green growth goals and sustainable development in Cambodia;
- Developing green growth curriculum and rising awareness about it to increase quality and quantity of information available for the relevant stakeholder;
- Developing educational curriculum and raising awareness for officers-personnel, dissemination system for green growth to help them to be capable and able in providing and receiving comments on green growth; 
- Mainstreaming a green growth principle, including green environment and natural resources jobs, water resources and sanitation, food security and food safety, as well as sustainable land use, green economy job, green investment jobs, green telecommunication and transport jobs, green industry and energy job and green tourism job, into a National Strategic Development Plan;
- Updating national economic development, based on a green growth principle.

4.5   Sustainable Green Technology Development   

- Exchanging and transferring technology related to green growth, such as green environmental and natural resources jobs, water resources and sanitation, food security and food safety, forestry conservation, fishery and biodiversity conservation, sustainable Land use, green economy development, blue economy development, green investment, telecommunications and transport jobs, green industry and energy jobs and tourism job ;
- Supporting the private sectors that make investment in greenhouse gas emission reduction technology, environmental pollutant reduction technology, effective energy usage technology, clean development technology and recycling and reusing technology of the used resources;
- Encouraging the researchers having invented a new green technology to continue their works.

5.    Action Plan
     5.1 Creating Mechanism 

RGC has established National Council on Green Growth (NCGG) as a direct assistant to the royal Government of Cambodia (RGC) and General Secretariat for Green Growth (GSGG) of the NCGG, as the assistant to the NCGG, with its roles in coordination and consolation with mainstreaming green growth on all developmental areas, in cooperation with national and international organization the private sectors.

      5.2 Creating a Legal Framework

In this national policy implementation, it is to formulate Law on Green Growth, strategic plans, action plan and programs on green growth in line with relevant sectors that identify specific activates and responsibilities of the relevant ministries/institutions and establish a green growth agent team at the local authority, as well as review regulations related to green growth. 
 5.3 Creating a Legal Framework
NCGG and the General Secretariat of the NCGG are a mechanism for the preparation of policy preparation, national strategic plan, programs and actions plans on green growth, as well as for coordinating with national and international organization, and monitoring these policies implementation and all payments for the operations process of green growth funded by the financial sources from national budget and other sources.  
