National Policy on Green Growth 2013-2030 Glossary Part-1

National Policy on Green Growth 2013-2030 Glossary Part-1

Green agriculture refers to agriculture production, based on techniques and technologies with provide no damage to environment and do not affect human and animal lives by using only the organic substance (non-chemicals), such as organic fertilizers, organic crop varieties, organic morphological resources (water, soil, air geology, nature) for agriculture production and productivity. Green Agriculture helps boost green economy, agro-industry, and green-tourism (natural tourism or ecotourism)

Green Telecommunication and Transport refers to infrastructure, transportation means by land, water, air, communication and electricity power channel that enhance green environment, such as railways, buses carrying passengers, watercourses, optic cables, satellite and electricity wires.

Green Growth Principle  refers to development having green features and nature to ensure accesses to development, such as green environment jobs and natural resources, water resources jobs, and sanitation, food security, sustainable land use, economy and investment jobs, telecommunication and transport jobs, industry and energy job, and green tourism jobs.

Green Energy refers to energy efficiency, efficiency, especially production and use of renewable energy, such as wind energy, solar energy, wave energy, bio gas, biomass, bio fuel, and hydro power.

Green Flag refers to green flags provided by the relevant ministries and institutions to encourage entrepreneurs and consumers having protected environment and secured ecological safety, as well as ensuring economic growth and quality of life for people.

Green Tourism refers to tourism development and tourists without any damage to the sustainable green environment and natural resources by keeping natural beauty, ever green natural view and ecosystem, with serious consideration about socioeconomic development and upholding cultural identity through harmonization between development and conservation for the efficiency in the scarce resources use, necessarily to be preserved for the next generation to have natural settings for their future. 

Green Technology refers to techniques system and technology that cause no damage to environment, i.e. greenhouse gas emission reduction technology, environment toxic pollutants reduction technology, efficient energy use technology, clean development technology for recycling and reusing the used resources.

Green Environment refers to good and clean environment without pollutants through clean development, non-polluting environment, maintaining quality of water, quality of land and air and ecosystem safety, by ensuring food safety, managing national resources, forestry, water resources sustainable and sustainable land use, and enhancing public health, all of which are the main factors to boost green economy to be balanced with environment, society and culture.

Sustainable Production and Consumption refers to efficient use of natural resources to fulfill production and consumption needs in the socioeconomic sector, targeting at maintaining natural resources sustainability, ecosystem safety, the least waste emission, and toxic pollution reduction, reusing and recycling for the current needs and the next generations.
