National Policy on Green Growth 2013-2030 Part-4

National Policy on Green Growth 2013-2030 Part-4

      5.5   Human Resources Development  

     In order to ensure effectiveness of the implementation of national policy on green growth, it is to consider the preparation and implementation of curriculum plans for the short, medium, and long term to gain knowledge and experience in green growth for the next professional generations and to provide knowledge and skill to officers in charge of green growth.

      5.6   Implementation Process

All these strategies shall be put into practice for the short, medium and long terms, being consulted and approved by the NCGG to ensure effectiveness of policy implementation, following the RGC’s vision.

6.    Monitoring and Evaluation

In order to implement this national policy successfully and effectively as expected, and with transparency, the NCGG must have a monitoring and evaluation system and propose to improve the implementation by focusing on indicators as follows:
- Having established and reviewing a legal framework and national institution on green growth and improving the system of identifying management, monitoring and evaluation;
- Determining and analyzing the sources and reason lead to no sustainability among economy, environment, society and culture;
- Improving and strengthening capacity building of relevant officials on green growth;
- Setting up a level of education for the public and the private sectors, society, and general public about green growth and encouraging the public at the local levels to be involved in activities and dissemination programs on green growth and encouraging them to participate;
- Reducing economic developmental activity impact on economy, society, culture.

7.    Conclusion 

The Royal Government of Cambodia places very high value on green growth to ensure balance among economy, environment, society and culture. Implementation of Policy on Green Growth is to reduce poverty, increase economic growth, protect environment, manage natural resource, advance societal progress and safety and uphold national cultural value. 
